super7 reaction figure disney haunted mansion phineas urban attitude
super7 reaction figure disney haunted mansion phineas figure only urban attitude
super7 reaction figure disney haunted mansion phineas urban attitude
super7 reaction figure disney haunted mansion phineas figure only urban attitude

Super7 Disney ReAction Figure Wave 1 - Haunted Mansion Phineas

Regular price $34.95

Founded in 2001, Super7 is the premier pop-culture design house and producer of lifestyle-oriented collectibles, toys and apparel based in San Francisco. 

Beware of Hitchhiking Ghosts! Will the Traveler Hitchhiker with his omnipresent carpetbag be joining you? Make room for Phineas and the other Disney’s The Haunted Mansion Hitchhiking Ghosts 3.75” ReAction Figures!

Product Details:

  • Injected plastic & paint
  • Figure is 3.75 inches
  • Carpetbag accessory
  • Product dimensions - 9" x 6" x 1"